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Post by DX-NWO-97 on May 20, 2023 14:02:44 GMT -5
This isn't a do you collect figures in box vs loose question. My question is for figures you do open, is there ANY reason to keep the boxes? I have kept the boxes from figures I have opened and they are starting to pile up.
Curious if there is any good reason to keep them or if I am just basically hoarding cardboard!
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Post by MonsoonMan on May 20, 2023 14:06:05 GMT -5
the only thing i think of is if for some reason they need to be sold down the line, you can re-package them and potentially get a little bit more from a collector who wants the original box too
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Post by Warriah' on May 20, 2023 14:06:13 GMT -5
I sell them. Feels wasteful to throw them away. Especially for rarer figs. Gives people an opportunity to buy cheaper loose figs and the box if they want to display boxed. And they’ll save some money.
Post by LA Times on May 20, 2023 14:21:26 GMT -5
I used to hoard them but it was just taking up too much space even inside a closet. At the same time, it does feel wasteful to throw them out when the card was in mint condition. Damaged packaging FTW for me.
Post by PJ on May 20, 2023 15:03:02 GMT -5
Toss them.
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Post by DX-NWO-97 on May 20, 2023 15:11:35 GMT -5
Thanks for the info.....to the recycle bin they go!!
Post by The Madness on May 20, 2023 15:21:28 GMT -5
I used to do this during the BCA days. I have no idea why. Threw them all in the garbage a few years back and emptied so many plastic totes.
Post by Stuart? on May 20, 2023 15:37:13 GMT -5
I keep Ultimate boxes cause they look good on display bookshelf style. The rest get binned, unless it's some sort of exclusive/chase.
Post by GBGav on May 20, 2023 15:57:00 GMT -5
The only boxes I've kept are the ones from the New Gen arena. I can't bring myself to get rid of those as it's a special set.
Post by Crossfit Jesus on May 20, 2023 16:30:40 GMT -5
I keep most
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Post by kinnikuman on May 20, 2023 17:17:35 GMT -5
Post by drifter on May 20, 2023 17:22:50 GMT -5
I only keep the packages for certain special figures. So if it's like a collector's edition, something like that, and only if it's in good shape. The rest, I just cut the side portraits off, keep those in a small box. I usually also scan the back picture of the box, with the wrestler info on it.
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Post by oldschoolfool on May 20, 2023 18:16:10 GMT -5
The only box I've kept is the sdcc Mr.T exclusive.
Post by casanova on May 20, 2023 18:25:09 GMT -5
Normal Elites, Basics and such figures from other lines habe to be trashed. No room for them. Yet I used to just keep the backcard of some as they don’t take up so much space and might be useful for whatever creative idea I may have in future.
Ultimates and Exclusives are a keeper.
Vintage boxes and cards and Hot Toys boxes are a keeper but I don’t think you were asking for that one.
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Post by DX-NWO-97 on May 20, 2023 18:37:33 GMT -5
I like the idea of cutting off the sides and scanning the back.....I think I may go with that!
Post by underoos on May 20, 2023 18:40:11 GMT -5
Only reason I would keep them is for figure swap or returns 💪👀
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Post by zen411 on May 20, 2023 19:01:35 GMT -5
I keep them but not entirely sure why. I have bought some figs loose so I don't have a box for every figure I have. I just started keeping them and have them in a cabinet and plastic bins now. I had some feeling I was eventually going to display like some people do with ultimates where you see the portrait on the side. I haven't decided yet but haven't been able to bring myself to trash them.
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Post by captncharisma19 on May 20, 2023 20:42:57 GMT -5
They go to the RECYCLE (except that front window that cannot) ♻️
I keep Super 7 boxes and I'll keep the new Powertown ones as well.
Post by Chip on May 20, 2023 21:16:34 GMT -5
exclusives that are easy to repackage i'll keep everything else goes to mr recycling bin
Post by The Madness on May 20, 2023 21:40:53 GMT -5
There are some that I just can’t bring myself to trash, namely that No Holds Barred set and SDCC Mr. T.