Post by shanieomaniac on Sept 16, 2023 7:36:03 GMT -5
dear god no it's already bad enough locking someome people want behind a non existent store exclusive and 100 dollar ring in Bischoff just release him as RSC exclusive if they're worried about sells If they're worried about sales, RSC is the last place that they should release it. RSC is a small business (compared to Walmart, Target, Amazon etc ) that focuses just on wrestling merchandise (compared to other online retailers like EE, B-B-T-S, HH etc.). They aren't a figure collector charity. If anything, they need/want figures that are going to sell well in order to grow their business. Ok, what is the alternative then? Release him with a ring? Do you really think the average collector is going to buy a $100 ring just for a Heyman figure? Because if you think that, I'd like to direct you to your local TJ Maxx where they are selling the Tribal Chief 3-Packs on clearance. Heyman isn't a good enough seller to warrant ANYTHING above single release retail, outside of the diehard collector community. For at least 8 out of 10 people who buy wrestling figures, if the choice is between paying an outrageous amount of money for an ECW Heyman and just not having one, they're going with the second.
Post by Next Manufactured’s Sweater on Sept 16, 2023 7:44:57 GMT -5
I don’t see a need for any manager figures to be anything other than basic style.
Post by kirk815 on Sept 16, 2023 11:23:36 GMT -5
If they're worried about sales, RSC is the last place that they should release it. RSC is a small business (compared to Walmart, Target, Amazon etc ) that focuses just on wrestling merchandise (compared to other online retailers like EE, B-B-T-S, HH etc.). They aren't a figure collector charity. If anything, they need/want figures that are going to sell well in order to grow their business. Ok, what is the alternative then? Release him with a ring? Do you really think the average collector is going to buy a $100 ring just for a Heyman figure? Because if you think that, I'd like to direct you to your local TJ Maxx where they are selling the Tribal Chief 3-Packs on clearance. Heyman isn't a good enough seller to warrant ANYTHING above single release retail, outside of the diehard collector community. For at least 8 out of 10 people who buy wrestling figures, if the choice is between paying an outrageous amount of money for an ECW Heyman and just not having one, they're going with the second. I don't really need Ultimate editions of suited figures so I don't really care to put much effort into coming up with alternative, especially since my opinion has 0 say in whatever Mattel is going to do. The previous poster that I replied to mentioned that if they were worried about sales, then they should just release it as a RSC exclusive. That's the common solution for every figure that people want on here. It's real easy for us to tell RSC to spend their money on figures that we believe won't sell just so we can have them, lol. Why would RSC want to pick up a figure that they think won't sell? I actually think a UE Heyman will sell well (especially since his Legends figure sold fast). Regarding the 3 pack - I don't think it's fair to judge anything based off of it ending up at TJ Maxx. We aren't privy to why that happened. I remember it selling out on Amazon and people were upset that they couldn't order it so I'm not sure why there is stock going there. Maybe Mattel overproduced or Amazon underestimated it's demand and didn't want to risk ordering more. I didn't mention anything about releasing him with a ring so not sure why you are coming in hot, lol. With that being said, I think he would probably sell on par with past rings and whatever Bischoff is going to do (and maybe even better since ECW merch is rare and has been neglected by WWE). If a ECW ring is coming, Mattel has probably already decided on who it is going to be. I'm not sure where you are getting your statistics and Mattel's sales information from, but Mattel doesn't really care if some collectors can't/won't buy another ring w/exclusive figure. If they did, they wouldn't continue to release them (and with Bischoff).
Post by coldblooded on Sept 16, 2023 11:39:30 GMT -5
Yeah suited ultimates are pointless.
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Post by wholefnshow420 on Sept 16, 2023 16:07:54 GMT -5
Ecw version of him with a ecw crowdfund arena stage and Ring and guardrails
Post by SteveHulk on Sept 17, 2023 1:13:53 GMT -5
Ecw version of him with a ecw crowdfund arena stage and Ring and guardrails Or better still, just Heyman with an ECW ring (like the Bischoff/Nitro one). Then we don't have to bother with the crowdfund arena stage (that will only end in disappointment).
Post by shanieomaniac on Sept 18, 2023 3:26:51 GMT -5
Ok, what is the alternative then? Release him with a ring? Do you really think the average collector is going to buy a $100 ring just for a Heyman figure? Because if you think that, I'd like to direct you to your local TJ Maxx where they are selling the Tribal Chief 3-Packs on clearance. Heyman isn't a good enough seller to warrant ANYTHING above single release retail, outside of the diehard collector community. For at least 8 out of 10 people who buy wrestling figures, if the choice is between paying an outrageous amount of money for an ECW Heyman and just not having one, they're going with the second. I don't really need Ultimate editions of suited figures so I don't really care to put much effort into coming up with alternative, especially since my opinion has 0 say in whatever Mattel is going to do. The previous poster that I replied to mentioned that if they were worried about sales, then they should just release it as a RSC exclusive. That's the common solution for every figure that people want on here. It's real easy for us to tell RSC to spend their money on figures that we believe won't sell just so we can have them, lol. Why would RSC want to pick up a figure that they think won't sell? I actually think a UE Heyman will sell well (especially since his Legends figure sold fast). Regarding the 3 pack - I don't think it's fair to judge anything based off of it ending up at TJ Maxx. We aren't privy to why that happened. I remember it selling out on Amazon and people were upset that they couldn't order it so I'm not sure why there is stock going there. Maybe Mattel overproduced or Amazon underestimated it's demand and didn't want to risk ordering more. I didn't mention anything about releasing him with a ring so not sure why you are coming in hot, lol. With that being said, I think he would probably sell on par with past rings and whatever Bischoff is going to do (and maybe even better since ECW merch is rare and has been neglected by WWE). If a ECW ring is coming, Mattel has probably already decided on who it is going to be. I'm not sure where you are getting your statistics and Mattel's sales information from, but Mattel doesn't really care if some collectors can't/won't buy another ring w/exclusive figure. If they did, they wouldn't continue to release them (and with Bischoff). I apologize if I felt like I was coming in hot. I'm just frustrated by the collecting scene as a whole honestly. I feel like figure after figure is being put behind a triple digit paywall. If I wanted to spend 100 dollars on single figures, I'd collect something that you *can't* find in the toy aisle at Walmart. Between AEW releasing the FTIL women's figures with essentially a $500 price tag, Figures bundled with $100 rings, and figures that never see the light of day at all because they were slotted in with a failed crowdfund. It's driving me nuts that so many good figures that are viewed as figures that won't sell normally are being paywalled making it even harder for the people who do want them to get ahold of them. It drives me nuts that we've gotten a billion single release Hogans in the last three years but the only Bloodline Heyman we ever got was in an exclusive 3 pack. It makes me insane on the Jazwares side that they released the Butcher and the Blade but you can't complete the set because Bunny is a chase. I am ready to throw things over how store exclusives and "the thrill of the hunt" are making my life miserable as someone who just wants to collect figures, put them on my shelf, and have them look nice. Would UE Heyman sell well? Perhaps. I can't really see him getting a main line release but perhaps you could swing him in the Legends line. Or, if you are feeling frisky, the Monday Night Wars series (seeing as how technically, ECW and Heyman was part of that era as well.) I do think a single release Elite would do better though. Single release Elite would be completely justified. But really, I'm not upset at you and I'm sorry if it seemed that way. Not upset at you. Just upset. My fixed income bank account is rapidly getting priced out of this hobby and it's driving me utterly BATTY.
Post by newgenandy on Sept 18, 2023 6:44:34 GMT -5
I think that’s the problem with ue- everyone getting one
For me elites are good enough for that
Imo ultimates should be the singular ultimate version (ie only one depiction per person) of the top tier talent
Hogan Warrior Macho Bret Shawn HHH taker Seth AJ Roman Brock
For me they should be released sparingly and be an event when they come out. Make it feel special rather than an elite with a bit better articulation and maybe an extra accessory. Really they’re elite + rather than their own line.
Jazwares for all their faults they do supremes well. Extra legs etc loads of good accessories, really they are almost 2 in 1.
Post by ChuckPOORis55 Cody Gang 4 Lyfe on Sept 18, 2023 8:31:14 GMT -5
Ecw version of him with a ecw crowdfund arena stage and Ring and guardrails An ECW stage crowdfund would have to include the ring because there's no way you get near 200 dollars with just the stage alone, it's just a small fake brick wall and fencing.
Post by ChuckPOORis55 Cody Gang 4 Lyfe on Sept 18, 2023 8:54:40 GMT -5
Imo ultimates should be the singular ultimate version (ie only one depiction per person) of the top tier talent Hogan Warrior Macho Bret Shawn HHH taker Seth AJ Roman Brock For me they should be released sparingly and be an event when they come out. Make it feel special rather than an elite with a bit better articulation and maybe an extra accessory. Really they’re elite + rather than their own line. I really don't understand the train of thought that UEs are this sacred thing and that a wrestler should only ever have one. Look at your list, if you are only allowing one UE per wrestler which Hogan gets it, Hulkamania or NWO? Which Taker gets it, original zombie, ministry, ABA, or RA? Which Shawn gets it, pre Jesus stripper or post Jesus preacher (specifically mania 25)? I could go on but you get the point. It's also not like they are released that frequently, this year there has been ~125+ elites released spanning mainline, sublines, exclusives, etc. There's only been 27 Ultimate Editions released this year, that's about a 5-1 ratio.
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Post by wholefnshow420 on Sept 20, 2023 16:10:23 GMT -5
Ecw version of him with a ecw crowdfund arena stage and Ring and guardrails An ECW stage crowdfund would have to include the ring because there's no way you get near 200 dollars with just the stage alone, it's just a small fake brick wall and fencing. oh I know thats why I said include the guardrails also with all 4 things included the value is definitely there for it early bird exclusive can be the crows nest with styles
Post by shanieomaniac on Sept 21, 2023 2:01:25 GMT -5
Imo ultimates should be the singular ultimate version (ie only one depiction per person) of the top tier talent Hogan Warrior Macho Bret Shawn HHH taker Seth AJ Roman Brock For me they should be released sparingly and be an event when they come out. Make it feel special rather than an elite with a bit better articulation and maybe an extra accessory. Really they’re elite + rather than their own line. I really don't understand the train of thought that UEs are this sacred thing and that a wrestler should only ever have one. Look at your list, if you are only allowing one UE per wrestler which Hogan gets it, Hulkamania or NWO? Which Taker gets it, original zombie, ministry, ABA, or RA? Which Shawn gets it, pre Jesus stripper or post Jesus preacher (specifically mania 25)? I could go on but you get the point. It's also not like they are released that frequently, this year there has been ~125+ elites released spanning mainline, sublines, exclusives, etc. There's only been 27 Ultimate Editions released this year, that's about a 5-1 ratio. See, I'm sort of a little like this. Ultimates should be the "Ultimate" version of an upper level superstar's look. There can be multiple looks per person but they should be different enough to warrant them. And do them right the first time. The way that they are double dipping by making a first version and then releasing a "corrected" second version, stop that. Also, stop giving sub-par looks of top-tier talents. Really, was there any reason whatsoever that the one Edge we got was post-retirement/return? And why Randy's was RKBro version? Ultimates are limited release enough that they need to be special right out the gate, especially when it seems like the creation process for UE figures is faaaaaaaaaar longer than elites which means that you end up with unfortunate circumstances like Bray and Macho where, due to no fault of anyone at all, the figures are never able to be released. Not Mattel's fault on those, not even implying it, simply using them as examples of how in flux the wrestling world can be that only releasing 2-3 figures per wave can lead to issues when it takes a year-plus for a single figure to be released. You really gotta make those figures count. Also, it hurts me personally that there aren't more women. Bayley should have had one by now. I'm starting to get frightened we might miss out on Asuka. I haven't heard about a Rhea but I'm guessing she'll come eventually. We've had three Brocks but not a single women's legend. I know Chyna would probably pegwarm but Trish and Lita are right there. Make Ultimate Editions special. Definitely. But if you are looking for "event" figures, they just brought back Defining Moments. Let those be your special event figures seeing as how by definition it's the special event line. Not every UE figure needs to be Rushmore worthy but also, no more RKBro figures.
Post by kgchampion on Sept 22, 2023 19:19:37 GMT -5
Maybe... I'd want an ECW version though: long-hair/ponytail, baseball cap, long coat - classic Heyman. It's also a look they haven't done yet. 3-in-1. 1 head has the ponytail with stubble, 1 head has ponytail and is clean shaven, 1 head is current. Classic Mattel plastic BAF blazer for the torso that can be swapped out for a plastic long coat on the torso. Give him an ECW hat, ECW mic, WWE scratch logo mic, and a modern triangle mic. People will buy 3 of these things just to have one for each era.