Post by v/\v on May 5, 2011 14:07:18 GMT -5
Yeahhh....it won't be. Oh and if it's Jericho coming back to take Christian's spot AGAIN as the main challenger to the title.  right off. 2005 was shit. This would be shiter.
Post by JTG on May 5, 2011 14:25:45 GMT -5
It's going to have to be one hell of a storyline for me to think that them taking the belt off of Christian so quickly wasn't a boneheaded move.
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Post by T1 on May 5, 2011 14:26:25 GMT -5
Christian will face Orton at OTL in a face vs face match, lose, turn heel, and then lose lose again in the heel vs. face match/es at Capitol Punishment, etc. Then Orton will go through Mark Henry, Sheamus, etc, lose the title around October, and win it back at Wrestlemania.
This will lead to heel Christian I'd guess, but not another title reign. Oh well.
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Post by Deleted on May 5, 2011 14:35:10 GMT -5
no matter what jericho has to say i still disagree with the move =/
Post by cordless2016 on May 5, 2011 14:39:00 GMT -5
Just because Jericho is a great wrestler doesn't mean that whatever he says is true. How would he have liked it if he had won the Undisputed title but lost it the next night on Raw to Rocky or Austin. Atleast his crappy undisputed title run lasted 3 months. Christian was screwed. End of story.
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Post by Deleted on May 5, 2011 14:39:21 GMT -5
I never had an opinion in the first place because Jericho hadn't said anything about it until now.
Post by paynexkiller on May 5, 2011 14:44:08 GMT -5
I don't care if it's the beginning of a storyline. It's still ridiculous. ^ This. He deserved more then a 2 day title reign.
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Post by bencw on May 5, 2011 14:57:31 GMT -5
Post by King Silva on May 5, 2011 15:01:14 GMT -5
I still hate it so Jericho's opinion won't change mine. Sorry God. 
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Post by Jack. on May 5, 2011 15:02:00 GMT -5
I think Christian will win it back at Over the Limit, Orton will attack and set up a feud.

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Post by DemonsWiLL on May 5, 2011 15:34:25 GMT -5
he just wants people to not be this upset right now because maybe WWE will give a great storyline for these two. Besides, i don't know how he lost against orton in the first place.
Post by wabarrett on May 5, 2011 15:54:10 GMT -5
If Christian lost the title, so that Jericho can return and feud with Orton over it, then...
nah I still don't like it. No matter what the reason (other than an injury), Christian losing the belt in 2 days is flat out bullcrap.
Post by S on May 5, 2011 16:12:49 GMT -5
That's almost word for word my first reaction to all this madness. I'm surprised we didn't see just as much bitching for Miz dropping the title to Cena. Same, just what i put in the spoiler thread, its only the first day of the Christian / Orton epidemic, this could be the beginning of something bigger

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Post by eggman290 on May 5, 2011 17:26:29 GMT -5
Jericho Hinting His Return?
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Post by ohernan6 on May 5, 2011 18:06:24 GMT -5
Easy for Jericho (and Orton on his twitter) to make light of this. The humiliation didn't happen to them.
Also, I ask this to them, as well as anyone who believes in the "wait and see" or "bigger storyline" thoughts: When was the last time WWE successfully elevated anyone by completely embarrassing them?
Ask Lance Storm if he felt like a bigger star anytime after Stone Cold called him "Boring". Tell me if Chavo enjoyed going from facing Rey every week, to being Hornswoggle's goof. How about Victoria dressing up in goofy costumes, when a year before, she was having incredible matches with Trish...
I'd like to see some positive examples...
Post by gordon on May 5, 2011 23:22:32 GMT -5
I don't give a **** what Chris Jericho has to say on the matter.
Even if this leads to Christian turning heel, he's not going to win the world title back. He'll lose every match and then drop down into the midcard, before turning face again.
It's all a big load of BS.
Post by Edge618 on May 6, 2011 0:11:04 GMT -5
This has been my opinion from the start, but I have griped at the thought of that not being the reason. If it is the reason i will be ok with it, if not then screw WWE